Got questions?

  • Occasionally I will offer 90 minute intensives to my followers on Intstagram or via my email list.

    Otherwise, no. You wouldn’t work with a personal trainer for an hour and expect results. One call with me can absolutely change your life. But I want to make sure we give plenty of opportunity for you to be successful.

  • If during the consultation it is clear that that 6 months is not necessary for your goals, we will agree on different terms.

    95% of the time, though, transforming your way of being is worth the 6 month investment.

    Even if your goals feel “small,” this work will impact your life in BIG ways.

    Worst case scenario, you experience the shift you want really quickly and we spend the rest of your time really locking in those results, and exploring new ideas & goals you don't even know you want to create yet. I like this because it further guarantees your success through commitment & consistency. Plus, it leaves space to discover & explore other things that will surface as we work together.

    This work should feel so indulgent, so delicious, so spacious for you, and a 6 month commitment helps to do just that.

  • No. While I am a trained psychotherapist I do not provide mental health treatment. I prefer this because coaching is my strong suit, and it allows me to work with more people, all over the world, from anywhere in the world.

    All of my services are private pay. Financing options are available.

  • Your package includes 3 virtual calls per month. Plus, you have access to me during business hours for text and voice-message coaching. It’s like having a coach in your pocket! You won’t feel like you’re on an island when challenges present. I’ll be right there with you when you need it.

  • Sign up for 1:1 coaching. Listen, you can’t change your partner - even if they agree to come to coaching. You can, however, be fully accountable to how you experience & contribute to your relationship. You can experience more connection, more confidence, and more security through 1:1 coaching.

  • Worry less about if you need therapy or coaching, and choose to work iwth the person you think is most likely to get you results.

    Many of my clients come to me after YEARS of therapy.

    They appreciate that I have a psych background and can hold space for big feelings.

    Coaching is about creating the future you want, not understanding your past.

    Still confused? Here is a helpful metaphor:

    You wouldn’t go to a physical therapist to learn to play tennis, and you wouldn’t go to a tennis coach to treat your tendonitis. Likewise therapists and counselors treat mental health diagnosis, a condition or conditions. Coaches help you learn to play the game of life more strategically.